Monday, July 18, 2011


I'm glad gestation period for humans is 9 months. There is a lot to prepare for or would it be better to be one of those women who don't know their pregnant until they're in the hospital for abdominal pain and out comes a baby. So much joy in the soul searching of becoming a parent, building a person within my body. But... what if the gift of life was granted without the worry of the unknown or the financial or other concerns that I've come to drift to in my journey to becoming "Mommy". I work daily to connect with those concerns and sift through their validity or myth. One of the continuing questions taught to my by Byron Katie... is it true? Do I know it to be absolutely true? Where would my emotions be without that thought my mind has conjured out of nothingness. Which in this case the nothingness which seeds these questions is rooted in my beliefs planted by society, peers, mentors, parents, entertainment. I've had many memories to discuss with siblings, questions for my parents about my childhood, questions to Jesse about his childhood. Internal seeking about my ability, rather, my capacity for love/loss, desire to continually let go and let life become something beautiful by being in the moment.

A wonderful guide in preparing has been a gift from a once met friend who was passing through from one country to another and we shared lunch with our mutual friend who is a wonderful Reflexologist. She left for me a book titled "Birthing from Within" by Pam England. I am only in the beginning of my journey but I have stumbled on several unknown fears already.

Through soul-searching
and listening more deeply
to the woman I was working with,
I finally understood that women
have to prepare for birth
in their heart and soul,
not in their head.
And that giving birth is something a woman does
in her body,
not in her head. -
Pam England

Goes right back to one of my listed wishes for living life guidelines. Following my gut. Not my head. What I like is the emotional work the book is leading me through. I pick up the science books and feel bored... yeah yeah week blah then blah. I think its wonderful the stages that are happening but it doesn't give me connection or substance for this spiritual journey I am on. My job: to prepare a home, not just the physical aspects. To nourish a life, not just food.

Another pearl has been audio tracks through hypnobabies suggested by a chiro classmate of mine. So great at daily affirmations, exploring fears and creating confidence. (last weeks discovery)

All this and we're only 14ish weeks in. Phew.

It is a gift to look under the bed and discover the monster. For the monster lives in our minds and can give us the questions that answer what we need to make that next step into ourselves.

Sharing my journey connecting our lives. My heart to yours.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Finding a Doula

A Doula is a labor assistant. The word "Doula" comes from the ancient Greek meaning "a woman who serves". Doula now refers to a trained and experienced professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to the mother before, during and just after birth.

My very good friend Julie was going through her doula training while we were in chiropractic school together. She and I audited a birth class together at a hospital near our chiropractic school in Illinois. While in that class I was very surprised at what the women who were VERY pregnant did not know about birth and birthing and their options and choosing what their experience was going to be. For many of them this was the only class they were taking. Most just shrugged and said that the nurses and doctors would take the reins. UM>>> THE NURSES AND DOCTORS AREN'T HAVING THE BABY.... YOU ARE!!!!! HELLO! I knew that was not for me.

So many questions like cutting the cord, having our miracle child with us immediately after birth, and many a question about "protocol" that the doula will help us navigate.

Most importantly for me I want her to be there for Jesse so he can be there for me. I really like what the doula we met with today said. She is the flight attendant who remains calm in all situations. In birth there can be and will be many things that happen that you are wondering.... and might send you into a panic... which will prolong the labor (not wanted) and she is there to guide you through. Breath by breath and keep you and your support partner focused on the birth and not what is going on around you.

Another part I liked is that with a doula I will feel more comfortable laboring at home for a longer period of time. Home is where I am comfortable and familiar. Remember my friend Julie? She had her daughter at home. AWESOME!!! I'm going for the next best thing.

Research shows having a doula can result in a shorter labor with few complications, reduce negative feelings about one's childbirth experience, reduce the need for pitocin, forceps or vacuum extraction and cesarean birth, and reduce the mothers need for pain medication and/or epidural. (Hell yeah! I'm in!)

Our doula... (I guess I really did like her if I'm already calling her that) said the main thing is for me to relax and let go and let the birth happen. I tell you what that will be our toughest challenge. I like to be in control and make things happen not let them happen. I think way too much and get myself and my mind all wrapped up in what ifs. So we have six months to train my mind. I'll be much more diligent on my daily meditations and my yoga practice. Once I got through the stress of our move I let it peter off and I notice a difference.

What a journey.

Love and light,