Its over! Phew! The testing has ended. Now we wait. I enjoyed Davenport, IA more this time than last. Perhaps it was the company. Jesse and I stayed in a casino hotel that turned out to be really nice. We had a relaxing time leaving the hotel only to eat and when I went to the testing site. It was nice to board up with my honey and have some time to review the material before going into the test. Oh and we got to borrow a parent-in-laws car... a MINI COOPER! I love those cars. Zip around town in one of those baby's and let your hair down sometime. Its fun. :-)
Day 1: Arrival to test site 8am. Sequestered in room one for 40-60 min. I was called up in the second testing group. I recognized one person from the last site. A fellow who was a practicing doc working on passing his part IV to be able to practice in Florida. Last test he was next to me during the x-ray portion and was completely stressed out and unable to rein himself in. He was a shaky, sweaty mess. I thought to myself... ah crap I hope I'm not next to that guy again. Turns out I wasn't. Fate in my favor! Woo Hoo! I get to the radiology room line up with my back facing the view box and take a deep breath. Begin. Each station is 4 minutes with 15 sec between to move to the next station. Three cases through I'm thinking... not too bad, I can do this, Rock and Roll! This test is mine. :-) There are two out of ten that take me the entire time to deliberate the best choices from the options but mostly I'm feeling ahead of the game. Then... it's over. I feel exhilarated this was the portion I was most dreading and had spent most of the past couple months studying. So to have it over was a huge relief. And, it was only 10:30 in the morning instead of noon like I was told. We were sequestered in a separate room for a half hour more then let go.
Jesse and I headed out for PIZZA for lunch on the Illinois side of the river. It was delicious. Happy girl when I get my hands on some tasty pizza.
Study time for day two. I had gone through the ortho tests a couple times and hadn't looked at the adjustments for a while. Neuro, heart, lung exams.... reviewed while watching wedding singer. Nice! We had dinner at a little water front area in Davenport. Grilled cheese and tortilla soup for me. Yum. Back to the room and headed to bed.
Day two: Arrival to test site 7am. Poor Jesse had to drop me off since he needed the car for check out at 11. I was told I wouldn't leave the room we would be sequestered in until around 4:30pm. (That is exactly what happened.)
We had to get checked by security and our lunches inspected. They didn't let me bring my library book in but, luckily someone brought a couple movies to pass the time post test.
The test lasted over two hours. 25 stations 5 min each with a 1.5 min between for passing time. I started at station 5 which is a history taking station. Moved through the ortho/neuro/exam stations to the adjusting stations and back to the last two history stations and all the post encounter stations. Relief again. This time I didn't have the pounding headache I had ending the last exam.
Sequestered for several hours while we wait for other groups to go so we don't give them a heads up on what to expect or call our friends in California and spill the beans. Its all very regimented. However, I rather liked the Davenport site over the Atlanta site. Maybe its the mid-west that has me feeling more comfort.
We watched a couple episodes of The Office, Tommy Boy, and part of The Hangover. I was glad I had opted to buy a piece of chocolate cake in celebration. I even licked the cellophane clean. :-) We were let go at 4:30. Jesse picked me up and we headed back to Elgin, IL.
Joel (father-in-law) made us pizza and a salad for dinner. Pizza again. Heck Yeah! Yum.
I headed to bed at 9pm and slept until 10:30am! Holy Cow! How's that for recuperation?
All in all I feel I did well. We'll find out for sure end of June!