Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Everything pumpkin! YUM!!!!
I went to the Teeter Totter (Harris Teeter) last Friday to pick up supplies for pasta salad and while pursuing the isles I stumbled upon pureed pumpkin! Yay!

I bought four cans and the spices listed on the can to make pumpkin pie.

Several weeks ago Jesse and I had been on a hunt for pumpkin puree and had come home empty handed. So when I saw some I grabbed them up. Since then we've had pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie, spiced pumpkin latte, and pumpkin butter. Isn't fall wonderful?

In pregnancy news. I think I've finally figured out how to stop my hips from burning at night. BIG CHEER! A couple months ago it started and adding a pillow between my knees got rid of it... hooray fire free sleeping. Then they started up again with a vengeance! So much so that I had to get up and walk around to put the fire out. So what do you do when you can't sleep on your back, sides, or stomach. Yup, don't sleep. Toss and turn. (which makes baby either annoyed or excited because I get some punches and/or kicks. I imagine her going WWWHOOOOAAAA! each time like I do around turns at increased speeds. Which, when riding with either my husband or myself, happens often. Love you honey :-) WWWHOOOOAAAA! ) Secretly... well not so secretly... get mad at your husband because he's sleeping just fine and has no idea what you're going through to grow his child! and if you woke him he'd say.... this is what you wanted honey. Poo. Humph! So what was the answer????? another pillow. Yesser, Two medium sized pillows anchored between the knees. Holy Crap my hips are widening that much? Oh man. Well good because a certain person has to pass between them and I need not forget this is a good thing.
Can I just tell you how excited I am to meet this kid. Wondering what her personality is going to be and thinking of her childhood and reflecting on mine. Great stuff. Except... the teenage years. I remember what I was like. (pause it fear of my future altercations with teenage daughter in belly (eyes widened)) I remember my mom saying "You'll have a daughter just like you." my response.... "We'll thats where you're wrong! I'm not giving you grandchildren because you've made me babysit sooo much I hate kids and am not having any!" Wow. Can't wait for that part of our lives. For now I'll think about snuggles, giggles, diapers, and feedings.... and hope she isn't born with the set of lungs her mom has.
Continuing to get exercise daily through walking, water aerobics, elliptical, wts, some light cycling, and yoga. Trying to rotate different foods through my diet so she'll have experienced different tastes.

Love and pumpkin for all!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Get up... again.

Its been just over a year since I moved to Raleigh, NC. Its been almost one month since I obtained a state license to practice my beloved chiropractic trade. Its been 23 weeks that our baby girls has been growing in my belly. Its been 9 months since Jesse moved here to join me from Indiana. Its been one month since we found our next house that will include space for our little bambini. Its been 7 months since we laid our furry son Dink to rest. What a year!

Our lives... filled with heart growth and withering, expansion and contraction, the ever continuing rise and fall of our breath, our foot steps, our heads from the pillow.

The choice each day to live with a smile on our face and a song in our heart even when inside there are parts of us that are scared to continue down the path we've chosen. A path we hope will continue to fill our spirits and enlighten our lives with meaning.

I will not go gently into the night.
I will stand up for the life I love.
I will continue to dream and reach for those dreams.
I will draw strength from those who support me, who have gone before me.
I will go the extra mile and sing the whole way.
I am willing to get up again and again, again and again.
So will you. (Promise)

Love and light,

“When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place.”
- Anonymous

You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.” – Rabindaranath Tagore.