Tuesday, August 6, 2013

When push comes to shove

What an adventure. House hunting, house finding, house inspecting, finance approving, negotiating...phew! How can a person want to sell their house but do nothing to work with the person who wants to buy the house. I'm not sure how I feel about this adventure and what lessons it brings. Most of all I'm disappointed. There is a reason realtors are a part of real estate transactions. There are emotions attached to the structures we call home. Strong emotions. Those of a life lived and those of a life planned. So where do you draw the line? When do you decide to say no. For some it is right away. They know exactly how far they will go (or not go) and they stick to it. Others analyze, weigh it out, make a decision and bit by bit come to a conclusion that feels best. I would say realtors have a hard job. I'm glad to have many realtor friends and have a new respect for what you do. It is a rare occasion when a patient comes into my office and doesn't want to follow the treatment plan but wants to feel better and when that happens... I tell them my office is not a quick fix stop it takes time to heal the tissue and gain rehabilitation from the stress that caused the changes in their body creating inflammation and pain. I help them fit their healing desires into their lifestyle. Sometimes its a compromise. Sometimes they have to go elsewhere to get a more aggressive treatment. Sometimes we do a little of both. Correspondingly when selling a home a seller can set their bar and stick to it. This is the experience we just had. The sellers would not budge on... anything and had unrealistic goals. We finally decided to call time of death when they would not even address safety issues such as radon, lead pain, and minor faulty wiring. Really???
I tried to gain perspective... looking from their point of view. All I could gain was... it was time to move on. We were not the buyers for this home... and that is okay because there will always be another house and I strongly dislike feeling taken advantage of. So... bye bye house may you do well in your future with the current owners because it seems as if they are pretending they want to sell.

When push comes to shove. Get out of the way and let the person shove against themselves and the obstacles they create. Simplify.