Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Summer Project

One summer when I was high school age my dad gave me a tedious job to do. It seemed he always had a project for me to work on. (I'm sure my siblings had their own projects too.) This particular summer of note my project was to rehab this wrought iron fence. I'm trying to remember where the heck this fence came from but... my dad, my dad collected "finds" from all over and would get super excited about them. Always something new and sparkly to keep his inner fire burning. Anyway... the fence. It was peeling and a black rust cake. My first step... wire brush the WHOLE THING. Ugh. Inch by inch scraping scrubbing, wire brushing. It was slow and tedious work. It took forever! A whole summer! I don't like slow and tedious. I don't like details. I like instant gratification and results. What a lesson. After the wire brushing the painting was easy. White paint, several coats, all over.

Many of the readings and ideas I follow express the being in the moment life. Enjoying the cup of tea right now. Slow down and live. Stripping down this fence was a wonderful lesson for me that I am, in writing this, appreciating in a different aspect.
There have been many times I move too fast, do too much, add add add and do do do. It takes focus and conscious effort to slow down. Breathe. Be.

So... today I'm spreading encouragement to: Breathe deep. Slow down. Appreciate. Be you. Create lovingness.

Take your stories and see them in a new way.

Love and light,

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