Several authors I'm reading lately have the belief that our feelings tell us where we're headed. They teach when we have a strong emotion to explore why, how... then in's and out's of what our body is trying to tell us with our "gut" reaction.
Some nights it is hard to sleep. Four categories come to mind in regards to sleeplessness. I'm sure you know these all too well. Relationships, money, career and health. Usually we do pretty well in two or three categories and we have a life long struggle with the other one or two. Perhaps the categories we lack in are the same story our family has been telling in that category for generations or the same story we've been telling ourselves our whole life.
Why do we retell the same stories of hurt and sorrow? Why do we allow our "loved" ones to keep us in the same patterns? I realize I have my family story and I too perpetuate the hurts we know as a family. I am working at releasing those energy blocks and boulders of negative self-talk to move through those blocks perhaps gracefully but, maybe not.
How is this done?
First off, when you retell the story of past pain over and over it lives again and reeks havoc on your body again and again. STOP telling the pain story. START telling your love story. (you have both... promise)
Secondly, don't put your relationships in a continual pattern. Assuming a person will act a certain way and planning for that response perpetuates the story that you don't want. Instead allow them the opportunities to show how they have expanded an grown since the memory of the hurt you blame them for.
Third and final, Lead with love and an open heart. We all have hurts. We all want approval and love. Filling the void you feel is your responsibility because if you don't love yourself no one else can love you. Happiness is a choice not a reaction to others.
I lovingly pass on these thoughts to you in hopes that you are sharing my journey through life in this moment.
Making the choice to move closer to my family has put me right face to face with all that I chose to try to ignore. A sea of love greater than is palpable and a sea of hurt greater than I can imagine. Two sides to the same coin. So I return to the quote: Its better to have tried and failed then never tried at all.
Author Connie Domino writes:
"When you have sincerely invoked the Law of Forgiveness, you are releasing so much powerful energy that it will

Statement of Forgiveness
"I forgive you completely and freely, I loose you and let you go. So, as far as I'm concerned, the incident that happened between us is finished forever. I wish the best for you, I wish for you your highest good, and I hold you in the light. I am free and you are free, and all is well between us. Peace be with you." Adapted from Catherine Ponder