The alarm went off from my phone 8 am Saturday morning. During the night I had had the most intense night sweat of the entire pregnancy. I had awoke in a hair soaking sweat that turned to chills as my hair dried. As I had most nights during the pregnancy I made my way downstairs to check in on Facebook and get lost in pinterest for a bit. Unlike other midnight wakings I laid down on the couch to finish out the evening. (back to the alarm) So... the alarm rang, I sat up... and gush! I thought.... I either peed my pants or my water has broken. I wasn't sure. So smell test... nope doesn't smell like pee. Consult the internet. Change pants. Put on new pants laid down and coughed... gush! YUP>>> MY WATER BROKE! Holy Cow we're gonna have a baby soon. :-)
I had Saturday hours scheduled at the office and I was feeling good so, I alerted Jesse of what was going down and went in to the office. Meanwhile he was rushing around the house packing and nervously trying to gather all the items I had listed to add to our already packed birth day bags. (Good thing we had finally installed the car seat the day before!) As I saw patients the fluid continued to flow... very slowly and no contractions. Before I saw my first patient I texted my doula to inform her of our status. My second patient was a new patient and I didn't finish his history and exam until after 10. At that point I had a little break to talk with the doula. (Didn't cross my mind to call the midwives?. Don't know why... oops.) Contractions still not coming.
The doula said leave the office right now you've got to get this labor going and you're not going to do that working.
Drove home. Jesse was anxiously cleaning, tidying, waiting to pack us all into the car. I then told him I needed to get contractions going. So I pumped both breasts with the breast pump and then we went to Lake Shelley to walk. It was super warm out and I decided to warm my favorite pregnancy pants: heather grey, t-shirt material. As we're walking... gush, gush, gush. Warm like I'm peeing my pants and tons of people out all who probably thought I was peeing my pants as the gush was too much for the pad I was wearing. I decided to keep the mantra of "Peeing your pants is cool!" and kept going. LOL!
We came home after about 3 TIRING MILES! I changed my outfit to a tank and a wrap skirt and started walking the neighborhood. I had such tunnel vision... get the labor going that I still hadn't called the midwife. Finally around 3-4 and at least 2-3 miles later our doula said... its time to call the midwife. So we called and she was NOT happy with me. She said your water broke when? and you decided not to call me why? She said come in we need to check the baby and see where you're at. I still hadn't had any hard contractions. They were super mild and I was convinced I had... with all my training... escaped the pain of labor everyone talks about (enter boisterous studio audience laughter here) Jesse packed up the car and we headed to Wake Med Cary. TBC....
Nice to hear the bits I missed, so happy for you both! What songs have you been belting out since!?! ;-)